Solarworld 325W Panels Now Available! After last year’s inconsistent supply on Solarworld’s 72 cell panels, we weren’t sure what to expect this year.  As a solar wholesale distributor, it’s very important for us to have steady supply of material.  If an installer confirms stock when submitting a permit, and then we are out when he […]

The LG Solar Panel market continues to pick up steam.  Looking back on sales figures for the past 6 months, we have sold nearly triple the number of LG Solar Panels than we had for the previous 6 months, even factoring in the uptick in overall business.  If our wholesale business is any indication, then […]

In 2015, LG panels quickly catapulted to become one of our bestselling panels.  Their combination of technology and efficiency, and with a favorable price point, made the LG panels a very hot commodity.  Through our partnership, we carried the LG 280W, LG 300 Black, LG 305 and LG 310 Watt panels.  Towards the end of […]

When Tandem Solar Systems was created, our customer base consisted of about 99% solar installers. We did not exclude “DIY’s”, but there just weren’t very many of them. Only a few years ago, the average consumer was new to solar, and most had to be educated about solar before the discussion began of putting it […]

A New Toy If you ever need a reminder of what pure excitement looks like, watch a child open a birthday present to reveal the one item that they had been praying for day and night.  This happened recently for me as my son had been obsessing over the new Darth Vader “large” action figure.  […]

After a few sessions of researching washing machines on, reading countless reviews (That may or may not be real), I was ready to head to Best Buy to see and touch some of the machines I had been reviewing.  Most of the major players were represented at Best Buy, and I looked at them, […]

It was a few days ago when we had our internal training on the new Enphase S280 Micro Inverters.  Then, last Monday, the product was finally added to our database, with pricing and information finally in the system.  Yesterday, we wrote a quick blog announcing its arrival.  Then, today, we were told that we need […]

I think it was sometime at the beginning of the year when we first started fielding questions about the Enphase S280’s arrival date.  It was widely known that Enphase had a coverage gap when it came to the larger panels, especially when the higher powered 60 cell and 72 cell panels gained popularity in 2015.  […]

Wow… October already!  This year is flying by as we quickly approach the holiday season.  Of course, us in solar know, the holiday season also means busy season for us.  As end users start to examine their upcoming tax bills, the solar federal tax credit looks more and more attractive. Over the back half of […]



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